Monday 26th March

7.30pm Mass with a reflection for Holy Week

Tuesday 27th March

7.30pm Mass with a Reflection for Holy Week

Wednesday 28th March

9.15am Mass

7.30pm Stations of the Cross with Benediction

Maundy Thursday, 29th March

7.30pm Mass of the Last Supper and Watch of Prayer until Midnight

Good Friday, 30th March

10.00am Meet with Churches Together at Shepherd Gardens in Moorthorpe to walk the Way of the Cross, ending in St Mary's at approximately 10.30am with the remaing Stations of the Cross

2.00pm Solemn Liturgy for Good Friday

Easter Sunday, 1st April

6.00am Easter Vigil and Mass of the Dawn

10.30am Parish Mass with the Sacrament of Holy Baptism